

The technology entails a non-infectious virus-like particle (VLP) sourced from a grapevine virus, distinguishing itself from previously known VLPs. Recent research has uncovered interesting characteristics for bespoke surface alterations. It boasts the ability to readily encapsulate diverse active ingredients, ranging from small proteins, peptides, and small molecules to mRNA, while also facilitating the presentation of proteins on its surface, including cell-targeting proteins.

This customized functionalization heralds a novel category of therapeutic products characterized by enhanced stability, efficacy, and safety for human application.

Development of custom cell targeting VHH

Serendip possesses specialized knowledge to create custom antibody fragments, known as VHH (Variable Heavy domain of Heavy chain antibodies). Based on a partner’s specific requirements, Serendip can craft a cell-targeting VHH suitable for any use case and incorporate it onto the surface of the VLP.



Serendip employs a transient plant-based expression system for drug substance production. The process involves infecting plant leaves with bacteria that carry the genetic information for expressing the recombinant protein (the VLP subunit), enabling the production of functional VLPs in a single step over the course of one week. An additional two to three weeks are then required for the processes of purification, formulation, and quality control of the final product.

Quality of the particle

The particle produced boasts remarkable structural integrity, ensuring its complete formation, along with enduring stability across various temperatures and over time. Additionally, the sample demonstrates excellent uniformity regarding the size of the particles.

Bioproduction safety

Production is free of human pathogens. By intensifying the active component’s concentration into the particle, the dosage of the product required for patients can be diminished, thereby minimizing the likelihood of impurities.

Bioproduction efficiency

Our advantage comes from our unique in-plant expression system, which allows us to manufacture products more quickly and cost-effectively than traditional expression systems. Additionally, the use of plants as natural bioreactors means that scaling up production is as simple as increasing the number of plants used.